Sports Physiotherapy is a specialist field relating to the treatment of injuries sustained in sport and exercise. Injuries are musculoskeletal in nature and common injuries we treat are muscle and ligament strains, sprains, joint and bone injuries. We also treat overuse injuries such as tendinopathies.
Sports Physiotherapy focusses on the role your sport has on your injury. At Focussed Physiotherapy, we have comprehensive knowledge in Sport and Exercise Science which allows us to understand the demands and requirements of sport and how they impact our patients.
Key examination findings will allow us to diagnose sports injuries that are either acute or chronic, a gradual overuse injury, or an injury resulting from poor biomechanics. It is critical that we analyse and find the underlying cause of your injury. We then devise a treatment plan that best suits you and the demands of your sport.
Sports Physiotherapy allows us to assist athletes in recovery of these injuries and provide a safe return to sport, preventing recurrence of the injury.
We can also take team sports through pre-season screening, to gauge the athletes’ capacity and any deficits. Certain deficits strongly correlate to future injury. We are all about the notion that prevention is key!
As a Hills District physio clinic, we are currently willing to provide local sporting teams physio sports coverage. Please call our clinic or email to enquire.